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Women Holding Hands


YOU make it possible!

At Clear & Happy Pools we are beyond grateful for all that we have and are honored to be able to pay it forward. Every month a portion of our proceeds are donated to nonprofits. Below are some of the amazing organizations we have been able to help. See our blog page for more details!


Desert Labrador Retriever Rescue (DLRR) is very near and dear to our hearts. Our family started as fosters with this rescue group driven by our love for dogs (and labs in particular) when we were given the opportunity to foster Lobo, a senior chocolate lab with the sweetest soul. Plagued with medical issues and permanently deaf, Lobo was with us while undergoing numerous medical treatments. Months later, with all of his medical issues resolved, we predictably "foster failed" and Lobo officially joined our family. "Failing" has never made us happier!

DLRR not only saved Lobo's life (he was pulled from the "E" list at the pound), they also spent thousands of dollars on his health and well-being. We are beyond grateful for this group and what they did not only for Lobo, but what they continue to do for all of the dogs they can rescue. We are honored to be able to give back to this amazing group and help even more dogs. 



Image by Helena Lopes


Ironwood Pig Sanctuary is a nonprofit organization in Tucson, Arizona. They are "dedicated to eliminating the suffering of pot bellied pigs in Arizona and surrounding states by promoting spaying and neutering, assisting owners and other sanctuaries, and providing a permanent home in a safe, nurturing environment for those that are abandoned, abused, neglected, or unwanted."

We visited this sanctuary in 2017 and were enamored with the personalities of the pigs there. There are over 600 pigs at the sanctuary! As you can imagine, this requires a lot of supplies and materials including medications and supplements. They have an Amazon Wish List that we use to buy the high priority and most needed items and then we throw in a treat or two (or five!) for the pigs.  

Image by Pascal Debrunner

Aimee's Farm Animal Santuary

"Standing up for those without a voice, our mission is to rescue, rehabilitate, and to spread awareness of farm animals in need" is the mission of this amazing local organization. Not only does Aimee rescue and care for abused and neglected farm animals, but she also leverages the healing abilities of animals to help people. We love this! The elderly, children with autism, and trauma survivors are a few examples of the people that benefit from this sanctuary.  We support this group with monetary donations as well as gifts of delicious produce for the animals when visiting. 

Red Barn


In 2016, the Aris Foundation was established to help the homeless population in Arizona. Before the Covid-19 pandemic, they held a weekly "picnic" where hot food was served to anyone that was hungry and needed a meal. For many of the men and women in attendance, this meal is the only food they can count on eating that week.

The Aris Foundation does so much more too! They also provide clean clothes, gift cards to Subway and Chipotle, toiletries and hygiene products, bus passes, snack packs, dog food, bottled water, and even more! Frequently they will host drives for much-needed items including blankets, tarps, backpacks, or socks.

We regularly volunteered at the weekly picnics prior to Covid-19. While that is on pause, we continue to donate items, such as clothing, toiletries, gift cards, and food for the snack packs. 

Image by Matt Collamer
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